
dataData to be displayed in chart (JSON string for attribute)
selectedElement -
value -
domCache -
mainTemplate -
clonedTemplate -
refs -
newDataPointAdd new data point to chart
staleDataPointRemove data point from chart
chartTitleTitle of chart
heightHeight of chart
colorsColors to be used in chart
typeType of chart to be displayed
isNavigableWhether or not chart is navigable
toolTipOptions -
isC -
chartContainerParts -
dataData to be displayed in chart (JSON string for attribute)
selected-element -
value -
dom-cache -
main-template -
cloned-template -
refs -
new-data-pointAdd new data point to chart
stale-data-pointRemove data point from chart
chart-titleTitle of chart
heightHeight of chart
colorsColors to be used in chart
typeType of chart to be displayed
is-navigableWhether or not chart is navigable
tool-tip-options -
is-c -
chart-container-parts -